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Illustration of 6 Reasons Medical Practices Should Use e-Statements to Streamline Their Medical Billing Process

6 Reasons You Should Use e-Statements to Streamline Your Medical Billing Process

Benefits of eStatements

Paper claims are costly! Think about paper, delivery charges, and administrative expenses when completing the whole claim process. Let's say a practice spends $1 per paper statement and sends an average of 1 statement per patient. Think about the expense; it would be on a larger scale.

A pie chart representing how e-statements can ctreamline medical billing process

1. Easy and Fast Access to the Patient Statements

It takes time and effort to make, print, and deliver patient statements. medical Even if a medical practice sends patients the statements, the delivery can take time. It can cause delays in patients receiving their statements. Think about the effects this will have on your claim life cycle! It will fast-track the whole process and allow patients to understand their dues. Even at the moment, they avail of the service.

An image showing how AltuMED can assess e-statements earlier than the paper statement

2. Secure and Dependable

The successful delivery of the paper statements depends on the delivery system. It depends on the address written and the employee making the delivery. More so, the information in the patient statements is usually quite extensive and can become subject to information theft if someone stumbles upon it. E-statements provide security and can be relied on as only the patient knows their respective account's passwords

3. Email alerts and Reminders

An added feature that medical billing companies offer is sending alerts via email as soon as a patient's e-statement is added to their accounts. More so, they are also given subsequent reminders to ensure timely payment of their dues.

4. Mitigating the chances of error in data entry

Once information for a respective patient is added, verified, and saved, it does not have to be re-added. The system picks it up itself, reducing the chances of errors that occur in data entry. Most patients opt for online bank transactions, enabling them access to their payments and e-statements anywhere and everywhere whenever needed.

5. Making you a responsible citizen

Staying organized and reducing your clutter is what e-statements provide. E-statements help reduce your carbon footprint, reducing waste. It can be a big step towards making the earth green.

6. Costs absolutely nothing

The most favorite factor is that it's FREE!

Interested to shift towards a Medical Billing Software that can provide you with the option to integrate e-Statements for your clients. Try AltuMED, the trial is absolutely FREE with 100% transition support

Have a look at the Demo of AltuMED’s brilliant features. (demo)

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