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Best Practices for Optimizing Medical Billing and Revenue Cycles

Efficient medical billing processes are fundamental to the financial success and sustainability of healthcare practices. However, medical billing can become extremely complex with numerous administrative workflows, payer requirements, regulatory reforms, fast-evolving technologies, and industry shifts.

This article outlines key steps and solutions modern clinics must embrace across the patient visit to payment continuum to maximize reimbursements and thrive amid industry dynamics.

Complete, Accurate Patient Data for Optimized Reimbursement

Thoroughly capturing and validating patient information is the critical first step, enabling accurate medical billing and maximized reimbursement. Quick insurance eligibility checks, digitized registration workflows, and tight platform integration lay the groundwork for revenue cycle success, says LinkedIn.

1. Insurance Eligibility Verification

  • Automated Eligibility Checks against payers in real-time via API connections authorize visits and catch coverage changes, preventing claim rejection.
  • Batch Eligibility daily for scheduled visits eases staff workload while confirming active coverage status.
  • Multi-payer eligibility Databases allow single-source validation against benefit details across major insurance providers, saving duplicate entries.

2. Streamlined Patient Demographic Capture

  • Online portals and mobile apps allow patients to directly provide card updates and demographic changes, schedule visits, and make payments - reducing data discrepancies.
  • Digitization Workflows like scanned insurance cards, electronic signatures, and tokenized credit cards enhance accuracy over manual entries.
  • Email/Text Reminders requesting updated details spur patient confirmation of information truthfulness.

3. Tight Platform Integration

  • Shared Master Patient Index syncs demographics, guarantor details, and insurance policies across EHR, practice management software, patient portals, etc., preventing fragmentation.
  • Auto Data Sync eliminating re-entries improves accuracy and reduces denied claims from mismatched records.
  • Unified Reporting and Analytics combine clinical and financial data for holistic visibility, enabling data-driven decisions on revenue maximization.

Comprehensive, verified patient data synchronized across integrated systems paves the path for denied claims from mismatched records between disjointed systems and directly sabotages cash flow. Smooth data flow across EHR, practice management, and billing drives accuracy.

Prevent Claim Denials Through Ongoing Coder Education

As guidelines rapidly evolve, dedicated Training, auditing, and smart encoders are indispensable for minimizing coding-related claim denials plaguing over 60% of submissions.

1. Continuous Training Tuned to Specialization Nuances

  • Role-specific Education offers tailored periodic workshops for physicians, nurses, coders, and billers aligned to responsibilities.
  • Specialization-focused Training provides emergency department or surgery-specific seminars preventing niche errors.
  • Payer-led Seminars detail common denial reasons, new policies, and required documentation specifics, allowing coders to adapt workflows
  • Self-paced Training Modules encourage skill development across changing regulations.

2. Auditors Identify Documentation and Coding Gaps

  • Concurrent Reviews of sampled cases provide real-time improvement opportunities without repayment risk exposure.
  • Code Combination Audits investigate the frequency of error-prone coding pairs to prevent repeated issues.
  • Specialized Auditing Expertise from remote consultants tuned to specialty-specific requirements.

3. Automation-Assisted Coding Software

  • We embedded a Coding Rules Engine to check appropriate code combinations, avoiding bundling, unbundling, upcoding, etc.
  • AI-based CAC Solutions suggest codes from physician notes, increasing coder speed and accuracy.
  • Robotic Process Automation streamlines administrative coding tasks, reducing mundane human errors.

Ongoing education, and expert auditing,are pivotal to overcoming complex medical coding barriers through enhanced skills, precision, and amplified efficiency.

Consolidated Practice Solutions Eliminate Data Disjoints for Revenue Maximization

Transitioning from fragmented point solutions across EHR, RCM, analytics, and patient engagement systems to unified platforms directly enhances efficiency and accuracy. Tight integration saves duplicate entries, while interoperability bridges data to prevent mismatched records across workflows.

1. Shared Master Patient Index Across Platform Modules

  • Core demographics, guarantor details, and insurance policies maintained in a master index synchronize identity data across clinical and administrative workflows.
  • It prevents patient, coverage, and authorization data erosion between separate systems, leading to denied claims.
  • With a single search, staff can access holistic patient financial data, such as outstanding balances from AR tools and clinical history in the EHR.

2. Integrated EHR-Billing-Analytics for End-to-End Automation

  • Auto data sync between EHR and practice management software prevents manual re-entry and transcription errors that degrade accuracy.
  • Coded encounter records flow directly from clinician documentation to billing forms, triggering automated payer submissions.
  • Payments post seamlessly to patient accounts without manual application across disconnected systems.
  • Analytics natively combine clinical and financial data to offer real-time reporting on revenue breakdowns across every dimension - specialty, doctor, procedure, etc.

3. Interoperability Bridges External System Data

  • Even with an integrated central platform, healthcare workflows involve niche external systems for labs, pharmacies, etc.
  • Interoperability APIs continually pull data from third-party systems preventing data silos.
  • Patient portals and apps also bridge individual data to provide comprehensive views across engagement touchpoints.

Unified data builds the foundation for digitizing workflows spanning the patient journey beyond just documentation, including self-service financial transactions, consumer-driven exchanges, and payer interactions.


Revenue Cycle Analytics: Preventing Claim Denials and Bottlenecks

Granular tracking of revenue cycles coupled with actionable analytics provides the visibility needed to streamline workflows and maximize reimbursements. Key data strategies include:

1. Denial and Revenue Leakage Insights Across Dimensions

Real-time dashboards tracking denial rates, rejection reasons, coding mismatches, and sources of revenue leakage across various dimensions enable targeted improvement:

  • Metrics stratified by department, physician, coder, and claim type pinpoint specific problem areas needing to be addressed.
  • Code combination auditing highlights the highest error-prone pairs needing added edits.
  • Longitudinal views assess if coder education or EHR upgrades reduced average denial rates.

2. AI to Determine Denial Root Causes and Patterns

  • Natural Language Processing Parser Denial Reason Texts to categorize major descriptions of rejection
  • Further analysis then correlates denial classes to dimensions like periods, coders, claim types, etc., highlighting trends for evaluation.
  • These insights feed targeted audits and help prioritize training focus areas, providing automation-assisted intelligence.

3. Configurable Real-Time Claim Scrubbing

  • Automated claim scrubbing solution uses a rules engine to catch errors like invalid code combinations before submission.
  • Logical configuration aligns checks to evolving payer policy documents accessed via cloud-based databases.
  • Continual feedback tuning refines scrubber rule criteria, improving accuracy over time based on actual rejection reasons.

4. Model Claim Payment KPIs to Set Data-backed Goals

  • Analyze correlations in historical claims data to model the effects of denial rate reduction on payment cycles.
  • Key performance indicators predicting impacts based on ratios of clean claims, rework rates, etc., set data-driven cycle time and revenue goals.
  • Through analytics-based business case forecasts, leadership can assess returns expected from procedural or technology investments.

In summary, advanced revenue cycle analytics delivers visibility into bottlenecks while providing actionable insights to streamline processes – converting data into dollars.

Next Step: Assess the Maturity of Your Medical Billing Capabilities

While the digital transformation of core healthcare administration promises tremendous potential, executing change management alongside technology implementation represents a key challenge.

Clinics require experienced guidance in assessing current bottlenecks, designing improved future-state processes, and selecting integrated solutions tailored to their needs.

We aim to provide such specialized assistance, unlocking the breakthrough benefits of optimized medical billing and revenue cycle management.

Is inefficient medical billing dragging down your practice's financial health?

Our end-to-end revenue cycle solutions maximize reimbursements through accurate coding, real-time claim scrubbing, integrated platforms, and data-driven analytics. Let our experts at AltuMED optimize your workflows for reduced denials, faster payments, and revenue growth!

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