10-30% of Laboratory Claims are denied the first time after submission. This alarming factor leads to a significant loss in revenue.
Understand denials and implement prevention strategies.
AltuMED Medical Billing helps its clients overcome denials and achieve 97% FTPR. In 15+ years of medical billing, we have noted common denials for laboratory claims.
10% to 30% of lab claims are either denied or rejected the first time after submission.
Independent labs must submit CLIA numbers by certification type.
CO-50, CO-57, CO-151, N-115 - Medical Necessity: An ICD-9 code(s) was submitted that is not covered under an LCD/NCD
Check the LCD or NCD prior to service to determine the patient’s eligibility for services. If service not in LCD guidelines, give patients ABN before tests.
3. 109/N104/190/N106 N538 Non-Covered by this Contractor
109/N104/190/N106 N538 - Check patient eligibility before submitting claims.
Refer to the Eligibility section
M127 Medical Notes Missing – The payer needs medical notes for the claim processing. Documentation Requirements: the following records need to be submitted to the payer:
CO 11 denial– Coding error with diagnosis.
That’s the first thing to check if you get this type of denial. Double-check that ICD-10 matches services and LCD/NCD policy. Knowing denial reasons aids in improving lab billing process.
AltuMED Medical Billing pushes its clients to conduct thorougah Medical Billing Performance Analysis that helps identify such latent reasons behind faulty medical billing process. We then provide our clients with real time, actionable reports that yield efficiency in their processes within first 3 months, follow the link to get started with Medical Billing performance analysis for your lab.
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